Step 3 - Claim your investments

(Get Tokens from Investment)

1. Wait for the Listing Date:

After investing in a project, wait until its listing date (the day it becomes publicly available for trading).

On this date, go to your Account Page on the IXIR platform.

2. Check Your Investments:

Your Account Page will show all the projects you've invested in that are ready for claiming or refunding.

3. Stay Informed:

Keep an eye on the exact listing dates. You can do this on your Account Page or by following our updates on Telegram and X Communities.

4. Decide Between Claiming or Refunding:

For each project, you have two options:

  • Claim: Receive the tokens you've invested in for that vesting round.

  • Refund: Get back your invested money. Note that if you choose a refund, you can't claim tokens in future vesting rounds.

You will see this message on the upper right of the page, after you have claimed your investment.

You will see this message on the upper right of the page, after you have refunded your investment.

You usually have 48 hours to make this decision for each vesting round.

You must decide within the 48 hours, otherwise you are assumed to have claimed that vesting round.

NOTE: Some projects have lower time periods to decide.

5. Process Depending on the Blockchain:

If the token is on the Binance Smart Chain:

  • Claim: You'll instantly receive your invested tokens.

  • Refund: You'll instantly get your funds back.

If the token is on another blockchain:

  • Claim: You'll need to sign a transaction on that blockchain. Make sure you have the native token of that blockchain to do so. You'll receive your tokens instantly.

  • Refund: After signing the transaction, you'll receive your funds within 48 hours by airdrop.

Remember, the claiming and refunding process depends on the blockchain the token is associated with. Be prepared for different procedures based on the blockchain.

Last updated